

商 简 介


•  招商的对象和条件

•  纳入中国《食品开发》及专业销售公司招商的对象为:世界各地庄园、酿发厂的品牌瓶装酒。

•  参加入围的公司必须具有自我品牌的注册权和拥有权,有合法的批准书。

•  酒类品种不少于 5--10 个。

•  有长期生产和供货能力,且想进入中国市场创造品牌力度,通过市场销售赢利。

•  有品牌的诚信和质量的承诺。

•  招商的品种和类别

•  各类葡萄酒。

•  各类白兰地、威士忌。

•  各类烈性酒(伏特加、金酒、朗姆酒等)。

•  品种可由高、中、低端组合。

•  所有品种有报价单和成本组合单。报价单的报价为销售公司结算价。

•  产品注明原产地、酒质、规格、包装、保质期。

•  招商入围要求

•  所有纳入销售的酒类须有合法注册手续。

•  所有纳入销售的品种有市场竞争力。

•  具有诚信和长期运作的供货能力。

•  所提供品牌具备品质检验证明。

•  须缴纳进入中国销售市场的一次性费用共计 100 万。对小规模生产商可予优惠分二次缴付,合同订立先付 50 万元,待合同规定年包量销售至 50% 时,缴纳另 50 万元。至第二年起,品牌生产商每年缴付 50 万元的广告宣传费。

•  以上手续办妥,经双方合同建立,有资格正式入围中国市场的销售。

•  品牌商须一次性提供出样酒 600~1000 瓶。

•  销量政策

•  凡核定批准进入本招商销售的各国生产商的品牌酒,给予包量销售。年包销基础量为 300 万元人民币。凡一次缴纳市场费 100 万元的,给予年包销量 500 万元。对销售中深受消费好评的品种,第二年起给予优惠提高年销售包量为 600 万元人民币。

•  招商销售公司,与各国品牌生产商以买断形式进货,即每批次预付订货金,货物入关验收后 45 天一次性付清。

•  买断结算价在合同中规定。

•  对销售中有市场潜力的优良品牌,销售商注重培育,以各种促销、宣传、推广方式建立中国市场的品牌根植,做大做强品牌的市场营销占有率和销售额度。具体行为操作双方磋商。

•  对销售量上升的品牌商,给予特殊优惠进口原酒后在国内灌装,以降低生产入关的各项成本。具体方法可以磋商约定。

•  中国市场销售的运作和方式

•  以国际大都市上海为切入口和起步点,品牌占据后推向国内各大富裕人口多的市场。

•  中国上海的市场主要是以各星级宾馆和著名餐饮门店、高集群高品质酒吧、讲究酒文化氛围的专业零售名店、最有代表性的流通商贩销售商。

•  除上海以外的中国各大富裕城市,拟建 20 多个城市销售铺设。在北京、天津 、沈阳、哈尔滨、南京、宁波、合肥、福州、广州、南昌、武汉、长沙、海口、昆明、西安、贵阳、济南、长春等先设立品牌形象专卖店,辅以部分广告、媒体宣传见效后,开展二级市场代理,达到近 1000 多家的宾馆、餐饮、酒吧、流通卖场的销售。二级市场立稳向上述经济富裕的周边城市辐射,再加建 30 个城市的 900 多家终端销售点,完成约 2000 个销售点的营销计划。

•  对各背景地区企业开展季节性礼盒团购。最佳时期 9 月份起至春节,在这之中有中国的国庆节、重阳敬老节、圣诞节、元旦、春节等多种节日。开展合理有效实际的促销活动,带动品牌影响面,积极地回笼市场销售资金。

•  利用政治性关联的大型活动,以建立大品牌,大市场大流通为商业突破口的专卖酒会,建立各大企业联谊关系,扩大流通中团体购置的能量。

•  销售商注重在品牌开发创影响面的情况下,围绕市场营销,设立市场商场策划与组建的部门,市场开发和促销的部门,市场服务和回款监督部门,使大流通不受阻滞。

•  招商报名的时效和手续

•  请阅本招商简章认同可报名。

•  报名须填写报名登记表,并订立合作意向书。

•  提供原装酒的文字图片资料和报价单。

•  提供品牌注册和使用证明书。

•  提供庄园、酿发厂资质证明。

•  由业主签发的加盟销售中国市场并有生产和供货能力的承诺书。

•  由业主签发加盟订立双方合同后支付人民币 100 万元和以后每年支付 50 万元宣传费的承诺书。

•  合同周期三年。

•  招商的办理入围时效为 2006 年 6 月起开始。

•  前景和时效期望

•  中国的酒类供应市场已经成熟发展,销售的消费市场已成旺势,消费者对进口酒类已呈普遍接受趋势,并已出现良好势头。目前切入点是最好时机,针对中国销售市场费用大的难点,本招商弥补了这一缺憾。只要花费基本的费用,形成联合、联资、联牌,可以创造最佳效益。而且省却了供应商劳顿、劳力、劳心的烦恼。错过了这个良机,可能是一大遗憾。

•  国际的品牌联合销售,对国内最好的终端和最强劲的流通渠道渗透是最好的销售方式。成功的商机在等待您。不断扩充的 2000 多家商家,是您扩大商业渠道的好机会。

•  花最少的钱,挤入中国繁华大都市的专卖店,起到烘托品牌,强化实力,为长远的前景创造了一个永远的卖点。

•  联合销售的效益目标:达到和国内品牌强势销售的半壁江山,并以高品质、高消费群不断取胜,向销售亿元目标进军。

•  加快中国消费者熟悉国外品牌,在消费中接近它,最后拥有它。以品牌创造人心力量,以品牌的接受创造新的赢利市场。这应该不是一个梦,而是越来越现实。

•  咨询




电话:( 86 ) 021-5653-3893

( 86 ) 021-5653-3890

地址:上海市恒丰北路 108 弄灵广大厦 2 号楼 802 室

传真:( 86 ) 021-5653-3891



手机: (86)021-2978-2944





Chinese Supereminence Professional Food Medium : Foodnews invite name brand and high quality alcoholic drinks outsides to develop China market and prepare “ Shanghai international manor drink Ltd.” for professional and strong distribution


Brief introduction of invitation

Ⅰ: Object and qualification of invitation

•  Object whom Chinese foodnews and professional distribution company invite including: brand alcoholic drinks in bottle made in manors and breweries each parts of the world.

•  The invited companies must have their own trademark registration and possession,and letter of ratification.

•  The variety of alcoholic drink is no less than 5-10.

•  The Companies must have the ability of long-term production and supply,and desire to develop China market to create brand and profit from market distribution.

•  Good brand faith and quality promises.

Ⅱ: Variety and sort of invitation

•  Wines

•  Aquavits and whiskies

•  Spirits (Vodka, Gin, Rum, etc.)

•  Varieties can combine with high, middle and low.

•  All varieties have quotation and cost combination. Quotation is the distribution company settlement price.

•  Production must give clear indication of provenance, quality, specification, pack and guarantee period.


Ⅲ: Requirement of invitation

•  Legality registration procedure of alcoholic drinks

•  Market competition power of the sort

•  Good faith and long-term supply

•  Certificate of the brand quality

•  Pay the noninstallment ¥ 1,000,000 in all for entering China distribution market. Manufacturers in miniature can pay in two installments in special treatment. Pay ¥ 500,000 when signing the contract, and pay the other ¥ 500,000 when exclusive selling arrive 50%.Beginning by the second year, brand manufacturers pay ¥ 500,000 for the advertisement every year.

•  After settling procedures upwards and signing the contract by both sides, the brand alcoholic drinks are access to sell in China market.

•  The brand manufacturer must provide 600-1000 models at once time.


Ⅳ: Guideline of sale volume

•  We'll exclusively sell by quantity the brand alcoholic drinks from manufacturers every country checked and confirmed to be invited. The basic quantity of the annual exclusively sale is ¥ 3,000,000.If pay the noninstallment ¥ 1,000,000 for marketing, we'll provide ¥ 5,000,000 annual exclusively sale. If the sort has good sale and estimation, we'll rise the annual exclusively sale to ¥ 6,000,000 since the next year.

•  The invitation and distribution company stocks in “cut” form that we pay subscription per batch and pay the others noninstallment in the space of 45days after checked and passed.

•  The price of “cut” is regulated in the contract..

•  The distributors pay attention to breed the choiceness brand that has the market potential. By mean of sale promotion, flack and extension, we'll set up the groundwork in China market, enlarge and strengthen the marketing occupation ratio and distribution line. The detail operation can be negotiation by both sides.

•  For the brand manufacturers the sales of whose alcoholic drinks takes off, we'll give extra special treatment that the raw drink can be packed in China so as to reduce the cost from production to passing the Custom. The detail form can be negotiation by both sides.


Ⅴ: Process and function in China market

•  Settle the cosmopolitan city Shanghai as the point of penetration and jumping-off and then extend to the rich and large population markets in China after brand occupation.

•  The market in Shanghai China mainly are star hotels and famous restaurants, mass and high-quality bars, professional retail store which is popular about drinking culture, extremely representive sellers and distributors.

•  We'll base up to sell your productions in more than 20 big and rich cities except Shanghai . In such cities as Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Harbin, Nanjing, Hefei, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Nanchang, Wuhan, Changsha, Haikou, Kunming, Xi'an, Guiyang, Jinan and Hangzhou , We'll open the brand specialty shops. Then, after the effect of the advertisement and media hype, we'll develop the second market agents to arrive the distribution in near 1000 hotels, restaurants, bars and sellers. After the second market stable, the agents will radiate to the circumambience of big and rich cities and add 900 terminal distribution sites. The whole plan is nearly 2,000 distribution sites.

•  Develop seasonal “purchase in group” in local enterprises. The best time is from September to the Spring Festival. During this time there are such festivals as National Day, Chongyang Festival, Christmas, New Year's Day and the Spring Festival. These are the chances to develop reasonable and effective sales promotion to expand the brand influence and actively return the investments.

•  Take advantage of large political activities to hold a regime cocktail party in order to build famous brands, large city and circulation. Built the gam relation among the enterprises and expand the “purchase in group” power in circulation.

•  In condition of paying attention of the brand's development and influence. The distributors will set up the market scheme department, market develop and sales promotion department, market service and brokerage supervise department around the marketing so as to guarantee the circulation.


Ⅵ: Time and Procedure of signing up the invitation

•  Reading the following brief introduction and agree it.

•  Fill in the registration form and signing cooperation letter of intent.

•  Provide the word and image materials of raw drink and quotation.

•  Provide the brand registration and certificate .

•  Provide manors' and breweries' qualification certificate .

•  Provide the letter of commitment signed by owner for joining in distribution in China market and having the ability of production and supply.

•  Provide the letter of commitment signed by owner for paying ¥ 1,000,000 after signing the contract and ¥ 500,000 as publicity expenses every year.

•  The contract period is three years.

•  The time to the invitation begins transact in June 2006.


Ⅶ: Foreground and expectation

•  Chinese alcoholic drinks supply market has developed grown-up. Sale hold up in the consume market of distribution. Consumers have the tendency to accept the import alcoholic drinks and the tendency will be better and better. It's the best chance to join in the China market. Aimed at high cost in Chinese distribution market, this invitation make up the disadvantage. As long as basic cost, cooperation united, investment united and brand united can create largest profits. And this invitation also makes you dispensing with worry both body and mind. So it would be a pity if you missed this chance.

•  International brand will be distribution united. The best form of distribution is to penetrate into the best national terminal and the most powerful circulation. The successful chance is before your eyes. More than 2000 continual extending agencies is your chance to expand the commercial ways.

•  Entering the specialty shops in big cities by least cost. It's the chance for you to build up your brand, strengthen your power and create a forever highlight in long-term foreground..

•  The aim of distribution united is to share half market with the national powerful brand and get victory by our high quality and distribution quantity. Let's go towards to hundred millions salerooms!

•  Speed up Chinese consumer to be familiar with brands of the outside alcoholic drinks, approach them in consume and finally purchase them. Therefore impression will be made by brand and new profitable market will be created by brand acceptation. This dream will come true by degrees.


Ⅷ: Consultation

If you have any questions and doubt, please consult to the principal, or call the headquarter in China .


Tel : (86)021-5653-3893


Address : 2#802, Lingguang Building, Lane 108, Hengfeng Road(N), Shanghai, China(200070)

Fax : (86)021-5653-3891

Principal : Mr.Zhan, Mr.Shen

Website :

Mobile : (86)021-2978-2944
